Welcome to Our Wang-AXIS Lab

AI-based X-ray Imaging System (AXIS) lab is led by Dr. Ge Wang and Dr. Chuang Niu in the Biomedical Imaging Center directed by Dr. Ge Wang and Dr. Pingkun Yan, affiliated with the Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies, the Center for Computational Innovations, and the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Watch News10 video on RPI Alpha Supercomputer

Watch News10 coverage on RPI tapping into New York’s Alpha Supercomputer

Our focus is on medical imaging, with an emphasis on x-ray CT, multi-modality/multi-scale imaging, and deep reconstruction and analysis. We have been continuously funded by federal agencies and leading companies. Our world-class collaboration network includes industry leaders and top academic institutions such as GE Healthcare, MARS Bioimaging, FDA, SBU, JHU, Harvard, Stanford, Yale, MSK Cancer Center, Wake Forest, UMass Lowell, Albany Medical Center, HSS (Hospital for Special Surgery), and others. Together, we are developing theories, methods, software, systems, and workflows to shape the future of healthcare.

We are grateful for all collaborators and funding agencies especially National Institutes of Health, GE Healthcare, Nvidia, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.